Well, for Sammy's birthday we let her open up "her" camera. (
Thank you Nikon and Strategic Ampersand) As soon as she opened it, she got a HUGE smile on her face and excitedly exclaimed that that was "her camera. Not Mommy's camera, Sammy's camera."
Now, I know that she knows how to take a pretty decent picture with my iPhone, but let's be honest, it's not that hard. The camera is decent and all she really has to do is look at the camera screen and push the big white circle. I've also helped to show her how to take a picture with my big 'ol Nikon 1 S1. So, I was very interested in how she would use her new camera.
The Nikon
COOLPIX S33, is not a touch screen, so not quite as easy as my iPhone, but we opened it up, I quickly showed her which button turned it on and which button took a picture and let her go wild!
She had a blast carrying her camera with her everywhere, telling people to "stay still", "say cheeeeese!" and taking "random" pictures of what she found interesting or important!
Here is a handful from her first few days. As she got the hang of not getting to close to a picture and waiting for the square to turn green, she got better and better!
I can't wait to share her Canada Day photos with you!